畫廊主人 Gallery Owner
畫廊主人 Gallery Owner
Video, Installation, Work Collecting Certificate, Steel Stamp, Gallery Owner (in person), Objects
What could be an exhibition? What could be an exhibition in a gallery?
Exhibiting a gallery owner in his own gallery, record and exhibit what he’s been doing during the exhibition days, a question and a possible respond.
video 2016/10/08 Sat. 開幕:形式很嚴峻 Opening: Critical Situation
video 2016/10/09 Sun. 十三年 Thirteen Years
video 2016/10/10 Mon. 國慶演講 National Day Address
video 2016/10/15 Sat. 北韓-辯證法與舞台劇 North Korea-Dialectic and Stage Play
video 2016/10/16 Sun. 每個人都在做自己的表演 Everyone Is Doing Their Own Performance
video 2016/10/17 Mon. 時間 Time
video 2016/10/22 Sat. 中場休息 Intermission
video 2016/10/23 Sun. 好自為之 Better Shape Up
video 2016/10/24 Mon. 拐杖舞 Crutch Dance
video 2016/10/29 Sat. 署名 Signature
video 2016/10/30 Sun. 來到小鎮的黑白切 Black and White Artspace Coming to Town
video 2016/10/31 Mon. 慶祝一個日子(輕輕的) To Celebrate a Day (Weightless)