南希/嘉義 Nancy/Chiayi
90×60 cm x4
Similar landscape in two different cities with a 10000 km distance.
藝術家曹淳的影像創作,關注著「消失」與「記憶」兩者的連結,他試圖透過影像,再現與延續那些在歷史中消失,而後成為記憶的部分。作品〈南希 / 嘉義〉,他拍攝了兩張攝影照片,一張是法國的城市南希,一張則是台灣嘉義。兩座城市相距有一萬公里之遠,但卻出現了相似的霧中風景。仔細觀看,兩張照片中的景緻並不全然相同,但卻由於構圖、色調與畫面大小的相似性,讓觀者對兩張取景自不同城市場景的照片,產生了相同似曾相識的感覺。曹淳認為,「消失」與「記憶」兩者之間存在著必然的連結,他藉由並置兩張相似的攝影照片,讓兩個原本毫無關聯的景象產生連結,以此延續那些曾經存在於記憶中的事物。
TSAO Chun visual works focus on the connection between “loss” and “memory.” TSAO Chun uses photography to resurrect scenes that are about to disappear from history and become part of our memories.
In Nancy / Chiayi, TSAO Chun photographed 2 cities – the French city of Nancy and the Taiwanese city of Chiayi. Although the two cities are thousands of miles apart, the photographs have depicted both cities as shrouded in fog. Viewers may discover that the detailed cityscapes of the two photographs are different, but the same composition, tones, and size of the photograph generate a sense of familiarity between these two cities. TSAO Chun believes that there are connections between “loss” and “memory,” and hopes to use these two seemingly similar photographs to build connections between two landscapes that would otherwise be completely unrelated. This, TSAO Chun hopes, will help people preserve items and events that once exist within their memories.
文字/ 藝術銀行
text by Art Bank Taiwan